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Blog created on 300308 at Vivien's house.
At 12.36PM. This blog is for our Literature Project. :D
Pray that we'll get an A1 for this! :D

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playground love ♥
Sunday, April 20, 2008
1:45 PM

Right now, we have completed the paintings of the floors and some
of the musical instruments mentioned in the previous post which are
the drum, guitar, trumpet etc.

The ladders which are made up of chopsticks and toothpicks are also
done. We are now starting on the merry-go-round, trying to stick all
the straws together with the plastic cover from a container. So far, I
think our playground is looking great.

I think we are really on task as we are almost done with everything,
both the exterior and interior parts of our 3D-Model Playground.
Everyone's doing something which shows that we are contributing
and working together to try and finish it by today.

-Zafirah (4)

playground love ♥
1:30 PM

We went to Viven's house today again to complete everything on the 3D model of the playground.

We haved more recycle materials instead. We have used ice-cream sticks to make the chair and painted it red which will make it look cosy. We also intend to use the plastic spoon as the guitar. For the drums, we are using the scotchtape roll and painted it black and covered the top and bottom part with red coloured plastic paper and used ice-cream sticks as the stands. Wooden chopsticks and toothpicks are used for the ladder. As for the slide of the playground, we are using a water hose. For the merry-go-round, we are using straws and plastic covers.

The building structure, we used newspapers to cover over the balloons with white glue. We have pasted many layers over it so that it will be thick enough. Then we will spray paint, yellow colour for the first floor building structure. For the second floor, we will paint it white. As for the third floor, we covered the building structure with twines. We also painted white for the fourth floor which is the last floor but we will dip blue paint on the white paint to make it look like the sky.

Now, we have completed almost everything of the 3D model. By today, we will finish the whole 3D model of the playground.

-Xin Yi(10)

playground love ♥
1:11 PM

Name: Tan Xin Yi (10)

Fill in the following and use the content/research/findings in your final group proposal for your Playground Project Blog.

Individual Reflections for Literature Mid-Year Project 2008
Sec 2 Express

Eco-friendly features about my group’s 3D-model
Remarks (e.g. materials to be used, relevant research with links, photograph links etc)

We are using quite a number of recycle materials. For the building structure, we used newspapers to cover many layers over the balloons with white glue and water. We are using stuffs that we can find around us and use them. Every floor will have its own theme and will be made of different materials. But soft materials will be better, if the children falls down, they won't be injured so badly compared with falling down on hard materials.

Playground designs/concepts that are linked to the novel
Explanation of how the designs/concepts are linked to the novel
The swing from the third floor is simliar to how Jess and Leslie went over to the other to reach Terabithia across the river.

Playground designs/concepts that meet the special needs of the children
Explanation of how the designs meet the special needs of the children
At the first floor, the children can feel loved and cosy sitting on the soft cushion and they can relax and won't feel so depressed. At the second floor, they can vent everything on the musical instruments. Or if some music is played, they can feel calm and peaceful listening to some classical musics. On the third floor, when the children are turning in the merry-go-round, they will tend to forget what is happening to them because they will be enjoying the wind and the turn. At the last floor, the children can jump into the pool of balls. Instead of facing people everyday and feel scared, they will definitely feel much better playing the balls. And the slide from the fourth floor down to the ground floor, it will be so much fun! Screams from children can be heard and maybe their mood will get better after screaming all out.

playground love ♥
Saturday, April 19, 2008
9:06 AM

Name: Nur Zafirah (4)

Class: 2E5

Fill in the following and use the content/research/findings in your final group proposal for your Playground Project Blog.

Individual Reflections for Literature Mid-Year Project 2008, Sec 2 Expres.s

Eco-friendly features about my group’s 3D-model. Remarks (e.g. materials to be used, relevant research with links, photograph links etc)

- We have dipped many strips of newsapaper and pasted them around balloons to make it as thick as possible for the structure.
-There will be many different floors with different components on each floors.
- More rubber materials and soft things should be used to prevent children from injuries.

Playground designs/concepts that are linked to the novel. Explanation of how the designs/concepts are linked to the novel.

- There is going to be a swing as in the novel, it shows that Jess and Leslie used the swing to go across and into Terabithia.

Playground designs/concepts that meet the special needs of the children. Explanation of how the designs meet the special needs of the children.

- There will be some musical instruments on one of the floors as music will help the children to relax and ease their minds.
- There will also be a slide where these types of children can just scream their lungs out when they go down the slope and forget everything.

playground love ♥
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
8:36 AM

We had already started doing the 3D-model. we are using recycle materials such as newspaper, toilet rolls, empty plastic containers and wooden chopsticks. We will be usng the newspaper with balloons wiht PVA glue to make de exterior of the playground.

The toilet rolls are being used for drums, with coloured plastic paper. The empty plasitc contaniers are from food and fruit products and they will be used for chairs and the top of a merry-go-round. The wooden chopsticks are used for de ladder.

There will also be ice-cream sticks used, but we have not decided on how are we going to use them.


playground love ♥
8:12 AM

Our sketches are done. The exterior part our 3D-model is almost completed, but the interior part is barely done. Report is still being worked on, and the others would be completed soon.


playground love ♥design.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
11:29 PM

The third floor.
The forth floor.
The first floor.
The second floor.

The outer overall view.
The inner overall view.

Sorry for the drawings. They are not very clear, however i hope its good.
If theres any quiries feel free to ask anyone of us.

playground love ♥
11:20 PM

Went to Changi Airport Terminal 3 and took these two pictures.
I edited a little to make the picture clearer.
It interesting to know that there are playgrounds in the airport.
Although its far, but some detail were able to be captured.

playground love ♥pictures of playgrounds
10:40 PM

these pictures are taken at some playground in Simei. Although we have already came out with our design(which i will be posting later) we decided that going outside to take a look wuld not be that bad. It's pretty interesting, however it is a little small. Children after playing it over many times will soon find it boring.

playground love ♥
10:56 AM

Name: _Vivien Tan__ (13)

Class: ___2E5___

Fill in the following and use the content/research/findings in your final group proposal for your Playground Project Blog.

Individual Reflections for Literature Mid-Year Project 2008
Sec 2 Express

Eco-friendly features about my group’s 3D-model
Remarks (e.g. materials to be used, relevant research with links, photograph links etc)
The foundation of the building structure is made of newspaper dipped with PVA glue and water.
Different floors will be made up of different materials.
We dipped the strips of newspaper into the solution and paste around unwanted balloons.
Different floors will be made up of different materials.
Things that have a circular shape, we will use toilet rolls.
Other stuff will be found around the house, we will be reusing stuff.

Playground designs/concepts that are linked to the novel
Explanation of how the designs/concepts are linked to the novel
The third floor is very similar to terabithia because we are going to make that floor have a rich jungle-like environment.
When going to terabithia, Jess and Leslie needs to swing across a river to their place. So we made a long horizontal tilted swing.
In terabithia, the story tells us that after all that had happened, everything could still be fine. Our design shows that too.
When Leslie died, Jess had to move on. He can not stay there, his life has to go on. That what our design shows, after all that had happened , life has to go on.
In terabithia, Leslie and Jess treated terabithia as their own home. Comfortable and cozy. Our design will bring that out.
Jess did not feel the love at home, hence at terabithia is a place whereby love can be felt. Children of emotional scars also feel not much love from their families, hence our design will gif them that feeling.

Playground designs/concepts that meet the special needs of the children
Explanation of how the designs meet the special needs of the children

We have a floor that has many pillows and an arm chair. It will be painted with heart warming colours.
That place will be warm and cozy, letting the children the love. Let them feel their existence is there. Make them feel happy.
The second floor is full of music instruments. They are not there for jamming but there for the emotional scarred children to vent their anger.
By blowing into the brass instruments, strumming the guitar and hitting the drums and cymbals, it can help the children to feel better. It’s like venting their hatred on the instruments.
The third floor has a merry-go-round and the swing. They can forget their hatred and sadness when playing these two games.
When spinning the merry-go-round, everything will go dizzy. When we feel dizzy, we tend to forget everything. The swing will be very fun, on playing the swing, everything will not be remembered in that period of time.
The last floor has a pool of plastic toy balls and a very long spiral slide. At one point it’s to let the children to come down. The other point is that they can scream their hearts out.
Went jumping into the pool of toy balls, they will feel happy. The feeling is like being surrounded by many people. It will make them feel wanted and loved. When sliding down the slide, the feeling is thrilling. They can shout or scream anything they want, as long as they feel better.

playground love ♥
Saturday, April 5, 2008
1:22 PM

For the cosy corner of the first floor, we will want to use a sofa or couch that looks somewhat like that.
the design is fabulous and looks comfortable and warm.
We will change abit of the design and make it more attractive towards the childrens' point of view.

playground love ♥
1:05 PM

This will be our terabithia swing 's swing.
It is going to be made of tire tied on to the swing's rope.
It will bring the feeling of forest/jungle like terabithia.

playground love ♥
12:32 PM

We will be using this idea too.
The merry-go-round will be placed at the same floor as the Terabithia swing
It can bring laguhter and joy to them, because when children spin and turn they tend to forget what happen to them.
By feeling the wind in their hair, its a good feeling.

playground love ♥REPORT ! :D
11:54 AM

Went to Vivien's house again today.
And we came up of what our playground will have. ( games, toys. etc )

1) Components of Playground.

( 1st Floor )
1. Cosy Room
This room is especially for the abused children to relax, to not have any worries to bother them. As the name implies, there will be furniture that will be really cosy and comfortable to make them feel relaxed, and not to think about their pasts. The room will be painted with a pale colour, to make it seems peaceful, where the ambience will be peacfeul too. :D

( 2nd Floor )
1. Room of Music
This is not a toy or game. It is a storey reserved specially for the abused children. There will be different instruments for them to try out. And, they could vent their anger on those instruments too, not as in vandalising and destroying the instruments, but to play those instruments. However loud the noise is, it will still be music to the ears. The walls surrounding the room will be sound-proof too, in case there are some children who would be disturbed by the sounds. (:

( 3rd Floor )
3. Merry-Go-Rounds
This toy is very common in normal playgrounds, and that is what we're trying to spead the message to those children with emotional scars. They can be normal like everyone else, and this common playground can bring some happy memories too, and as the name implies, Merry. Be happy. :D

4. Terabithia Swing
This idea was taken from "Bridge to Terabithia", as what Jess and Leslie played with. In the story, Jess was afraid to try the swing at first, but then he used his courage and played it. After trying, he grew to like it, and not be scared of it anymore. We include this because we want the children to break free from their pasts and to have a new life, and also to boost their confidence in certain things. The swing will be located at the third floor, where those who played with this will go zooming down to the first floor. cool huh? ;D

( 4th Floor )
5. Balls of Fury
We will build an enclosed area filled up with plastic balls for the children to play with. They can throw the balls around, do whatever they like with the balls, for the place is enclosed. They can vent their anger, frustration and misery all in the enclosed area. We hope this will help them (:

6. Sliding Affair
A very very very huge slide will be built here, connecting from the fourth floor to the first floor. This slide will be surrounding the whole building, rotating around it too. It will be like an amazing jouney, to tell the children that they still have bright futures ahead of them. :D


playground love ♥week 3
11:48 AM

We will be using the idea of the spiral slides for our playground.
On the slide they can scream or shout to their heart content.
we will be placing the spiral slide at the top of the playground(the top floor),
it is there at the top floor as it will be a thrilling ride down.
Since our playground is indoor,at the end of evey slide there wil be a cushion so that when they fall they will not get hurt.

playground love ♥
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
8:38 AM

after teacher's suggestions and pointors,i shall be the first to post.
okay,they went to my house on saturday to do the model of the playground
its hard to do as we haf nt much time and i cannot be the only one doing it all
we linked two boards together layout the "flooring" and sort of strated on the on the building structure
i am the designer,however i only drew out half of it..
as in the first two floors of the building was sketched out
i know what to expect from wad we are doing as we planned it before only that if wanted to draw nicely but could not find the time to do so.
the blogskin and all are founded by novrianti and xin yi did the below research(the bottom post)
she did a bit of a copy paste but she adapted them from different webs.
saira wasnt free that day so she wasnt there.
we are planning to go to my house again to continue with the model,after completing the model we will than find out the price for the total and how much will it cost for using the real materials in reality.
zafirah is holding on to the recipes.
now i shall tell you more about how we did the structure of the building:
we blow up the balloons(okay i should say i blow up;they scared of balloon and melody cannot blow them)
then we did paper macque..okay sorry i am not sure of the spelling
it was messy but fun. everyone participated in doing the pasting of the of the mess thing.
what we want to have in our playground
we want the following:
-we are building a indoor playground
-a sliding swing with a tire
-a place with musical intsruments to use vent our angry
-a place where they can dump themselves in a pool of balls
-the highest floor with slides to slide down and scream their hearts out
-some slides will be placed on the second floor with the swing
-each floor of the building will have a different layout to tell the different games on different floors
-in each floor the will be a staircase or a ladder to climb to the next floor (except the top floor)
we will try to provide a outside view and a inside view for the playground. this is going to be tough.

-by vivien